Website Launched to Assist Students in the Fight Against State Budget Cuts | APSCUF
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HARRISBURG – The president of the organization representing the 6,000 faculty members and coaches at Pennsylvania’s 14 state-owned universities today announced that a new website has been established in order to provide a vehicle for Pennsylvania students to fight against Governor Tom Corbett’s proposed 54 percent cut to Pennsylvania’s publicly owned universities.

“Students should visit in order to acquire information about the budget cuts which could lead to massive tuition increases,” State APSCUF President, Dr. Steve Hicks said. “We encourage everyone to visit, call, or write the members of the General Assembly as we work our way through the budget process.”

The potentially fatal cuts would reduce the state support for the system to 1983 funding levels. When the State System was created, student tuition accounted for less than one-third of the universities’ budgets, but because of steadily declining state support, tuition revenue now accounts for over two-thirds of the budget.