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Thank you for visiting the APSCUF-Cheyney University homepage! At Cheyney we focus on quality education for our students and an outstanding work environment for our faculty. Our chapter’s history is one of strong local advocacy to maintain both of these important aspects of public higher education.

Please explore our webpage to find out more about us. Feel free to contact me or any member of our executive committee if you have questions or concerns.


Attention Cheyney students! The State APSCUF office offers a paid internship each summer. For more information, check out

For updates on contract negotiations, please visit the APSCUF: Contracts page and consider subscribing to the State APSCUF blog.


Norma George, president – 610-399-2416
Jolly Malickel, vice president – 610-399-2032
Suzanne Kilian, secretary – 610-399-2359
Gooyong Kim, treasurer – 610-399-2618


State APSCUF Legislative Assembly delegates are chosen by APSCUF members via a campus-wide election. Each campus is allotted a number of delegates based on its size; Cheyney has 2. Delegates represent Cheyney at the state level, voting on system-wide policy and action issues and bringing state information back to Cheyney University.

APSCUF/Cheyney Committees


Click here to visit Cheyney’s chapter newsletter archive (login required*).

* LOGGING INTO THE APSCUF WEBSITE: APSCUF upgraded its website in summer/early fall 2016, and unfortunately we were unable to move the usernames and passwords with us. Thus, if you haven’t logged into members-only areas since that transition, you’ll need to create a new account. Website accounts are unrelated to your time as an APSCUF member; members must create their own logins. Once you’ve registered, it will take up to 24 hours for the login to activate. (We verify all information for security purposes.) If you’ve forgotten your password, you can reset via this link. If you do not receive your password-reset email promptly, please check your spam filter; we have received some reports of the email being diverted there.

Phone: 610-399-2262
Fax: 610-399-1729
Address: 1837 University Circle
Harris Turner Room 33
Cheyney, PA 19319-0200

Chapter President
Norma George

Office Manager
Umaru Sule

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