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APSCUF’s September 2018 legislative assembly approved the following statement about shared governance.

Whereas faculty participation in important decisions for both individual State System universities and the State System as a whole is a core value of APSCUF;

Whereas resistance to such participation both nationally and statewide has been growing, as politicians and administrators have increasingly perceived university faculty as impediments rather than resources, to be circumvented rather than consulted regarding the governance of institutions of higher education;

Whereas State System schools, in particular, have been noted by NCHEMS, as well as other informed observers, including faculty, as suffering from a “lack of a culture of trust and transparency,” which inhibits “a shared understanding” of problems and reduces the likelihood of positive change” (NCHEMS 27-28);

Whereas numerous individual universities and state systems of higher education nationally have improved decision-making, commitment to institutions, and morale by using formalized policies, practices, and structures that enhance shared governance; now therefore be it

Resolved, that the legislative assembly of APSCUF:

  1. Approve the formation of a permanent statewide APSCUF committee to explore constructive ways that shared governance can be expanded and improved throughout the State System. This committee would report to the executive council.
  2. Request that the negotiations committee and the negotiations team craft a new article that would briefly, perhaps in a short paragraph, define shared governance and establish it as required for universities to reach their full potential, a desired attribute for both statewide and local decision-making. (Note: this is not the actual language for such an article.) This article should be proposed for inclusion in the next collective-bargaining agreement.
  3. Request that the executive council propose the formation of a standing joint committee with the Office of the Chancellor (OOC), which would include APSCUF representatives, to be elected by the legislative assembly, and several representatives from the Office of the Chancellor, with the goal of expanding constructive shared governance practices, policies, and deliberative bodies (e.g., perhaps a systemwide senate) across the state.
  4. Request that a statement endorsing shared governance as a necessary attribute of successful higher education be crafted and posted on the APSCUF website.
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