APSCUF | Association of Pennsylvania State College & University Faculties
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Our organization represents the faculty and coaches who have devoted themselves to providing quality higher education for Pennsylvania students. We invite legislators, students, parents, alumni, members, and the media to learn more about our organization and what we stand for.

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APSCUF life: Grateful to engage

Last summer, APSCUF went behind the scenes to show how faculty members and coaches continue to devote themselves to affordable, quality education even when class is not in session. This post is a continuation of that series. I knew since third grade that I wanted to...

We must fund Pennsylvania’s future

With State System budget-appropriations hearings slated for tomorrow, APSCUF emphasizes the importance of funding for our public universities. Click here to read today's press release.

Shippensburg student brings government perspective to APSCUF internship

Craig Hayes is State APSCUF’s government-relations and communications intern for the spring 2017 term. Hayes is a senior at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania and will graduate in May with a degree in political science. Before attending Shippensburg, he was a...

Winter intern reflects on month at APSCUF

When I came to IUP, I decided that I wanted to be a journalist, and I didn’t give public relations a second thought. By this logic, I planned to intern at a newspaper the summer before my senior year. It wasn’t until after I took a few journalism classes that I...

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