Our organization represents the faculty and coaches who have devoted themselves to providing quality higher education for Pennsylvania students. We invite legislators, students, parents, alumni, members, and the media to learn more about our organization and what we stand for.
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Latest from the blog
Mansfield University withdraws letter of intent for retrenchment
Photo/Johnmaslar via Wikimedia Commons Mansfield University has withdrawn the letter of intent for retrenchment it issued in March, removing the concern of faculty cuts at the end of the 2017–18 year. Click here to read today's press release from the university. This...
Works & Days chronicles “Three Days in October”
We are proud to have a copy of Works & Days journal on display in the State APSCUF conference room. The entire "Three Days in October" issue is devoted to contract negotiations and last fall's APSCUF faculty job action. Learn more about subscribing to the journal...
State APSCUF welcomes new executive assistant to the president
Today we welcome Andrea Mahoney, left, State APSCUF's new executive assistant to the president. She will spend the next few weeks learning her duties from Lisa Demko, right, who at the end of this month will retire from APSCUF after more than 30 years.
Edinboro University withdraws letter of intent for retrenchment
Photo/S.MacMillen via Wikimedia Commons Two letters down, three to go. Edinboro University has withdrawn its letter of intent for retrenchment, removing the concern of faculty cuts at the end of the 2017–18 year. Click here to read today's press release from the...
Two fields of study, “one great experience” for fall intern
My name is Brendan Leahy, and I am APSCUF's communications and government-relations intern for fall 2017. I just started my senior year at Shippensburg University, where I major in communications/journalism and minor in political science. I am also active in campus...
Read Dr. Kenneth M. Mash’s remarks to the Board of Governors – Aug. 22, 2017
Chairwoman Shapira, Governors, I am here because we learned that today you would be considering an exception to Board of Governors Policy 1985-01-A — specifically an exception for Cheyney University to the language in that policy that requires universities to provide...
Role of a life: Theater professor donates part of liver to Clarion graduate
Marilouise Michel was scrolling through her Facebook feed early this year when a Clarion University graduate’s post leapt out at her. Stevette Wano Rosen’s friend, a fellow Clarion graduate, needed a new liver. The donor must have a matching blood type and be able to...
APSCUF welcomes second faculty intern from Slippery Rock University
We are delighted to have Joseph Robare, Slippery Rock University faculty member, as our faculty intern this week. He will be in the Harrisburg office interacting with staff members and observing the spectrum of union administration. Click here to learn more about...