Our organization represents the faculty and coaches who have devoted themselves to providing quality higher education for Pennsylvania students. We invite legislators, students, parents, alumni, members, and the media to learn more about our organization and what we stand for.
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Latest from the blog
APSCUF welcomes new director of organizing
This month APSCUF welcomes Chabria Thomas, our new director of organizing, to the State APSCUF office. She joins us with extensive experience working with AFSCME and other organizations. Contact Thomas at or 800-932-0587, Ext. 3022. Photo/Chabria...
The Rand study is out. Here’s APSCUF’s president’s response.
Legislators prepare to hear testimony about Rand Corporation's study of Pennsylvania's State System of Higher Education. Photo/Sean Crampsie A state-commissioned study released today offered five possibilities for Pennsylvania’s 14 state-owned universities, including...
APSCUF calls for cooperation in State System redesign
APSCUF’s April 2018 legislative assembly approved a resolution about the lack of cooperation throughout Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education's redesign. Click here to read the full statement.
Follow Pennsylvania Promise as rallies planned at IUP, Lock Haven
Pennsylvania Promise rallies are planned for Indiana University of Pennsylvania and Lock Haven University this semester. Students interested in speaking at either event: Please click here to share your story. Click here to R.S.V.P. on Facebook to IUP's rally, set...
In solidarity with Kentucky teachers
APSCUF is in solidarity with Kentucky teachers and condemns the Kentucky governor’s outrageous statements, delegates agreed unanimously at April's legislative assembly.
At legislative assembly, APSCUF elects officers, honors members, welcomes Wolf
At APSCUF's 194th legislative assembly, held in State College, delegates and officers welcomed Gov. Tom Wolf, center in gray suit and blue tie, who spoke about the importance of investing in public higher education. At its Friday-night banquet, APSCUF honored, from...
In solidarity with Oklahoma and Kentucky teachers
APSCUF stands in solidarity with Oklahoma teachers. At APSCUF's 194th legislative assembly, going on now in State College, delegates and officers gathered to show their support: APSCUF also stands in solidarity with Kentucky teachers rallying today.
Read Dr. Kenneth M. Mash’s remarks to the Board of Governors – April 5, 2018
APSCUF President Dr. Kenneth M. Mash’s comments as prepared: Chairwoman Shapiro, governors, Chancellor Whitney, university presidents, We generally do not like to talk the specifics of our salaries or our contracts to public audiences. However, after listening to the...