Our organization represents the faculty and coaches who have devoted themselves to providing quality higher education for Pennsylvania students. We invite legislators, students, parents, alumni, members, and the media to learn more about our organization and what we stand for.
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Latest from the blog
The faculty ballots are counted: It’s a ‘yes’ for new agreement
Members of APSCUF’s nominations-and-elections committee, assisted by staff members, open contract-ratification ballots Nov. 15 at the Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties office in Harrisburg. From left are committee member Judy Silva of...
Legislative assembly OKs TA; member voting set for Nov. 11–13
APSCUF President Dr. Kenneth M. Mash listens to delegate questions during today's conference call. Photo/Kathryn Morton APSCUF's legislative assembly met today via a special conference call and voted to recommend the faculty tentative agreement move forward to...
After ‘productive’ session, coach talks scheduled for November, December
Negotiators met Monday to discuss the coaches’ contract. Click here to read the release.
Register for the APSCUF website right meow
We're not kitten, members: You need to register for APSCUF.org. We'd hate for you to miss important information because you do not have timely access to members-only areas. APSCUF upgraded its website in summer/early fall 2016, and unfortunately we were unable to move...
See Dr. Kenneth M. Mash’s remarks to the Board of Governors – Oct. 16, 2019
APSCUF President Dr. Kenneth M. Mash’s comments were extemporaneous. Below is the transcription from the video. I was actually hoping to ... I didn't want to steal your thunder at all ... but for us it is a bit of a historic moment to have one of our colleagues...
Bloomsburg adjunct spotlights first-generation college students
Students, staff, and faculty who identify as first-generation can wear these wear distinguishing buttons to create visibility for first-generation students and pinpoint people to talk to. Photos courtesy of Rebecca L. Willoughby Rebecca L. Willoughby understands what...
Coach contract discussions continue in October
Negotiators met today to discuss the coaches' contract. Click here to read the release.
Coach negotiations move forward
Negotiators met Monday to discuss the coaches' contract. Click here to read the release.