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APSCUF’s February 2019 legislative assembly approved the following resolution to consider open-source course materials and promote awareness of open-source materials.

Whereas the increase in textbook costs has far outpaced normal inflation, adding a significant financial burden to college students and their families.

Whereas students increasingly avoid or delay purchasing textbooks and/or defer enrollment in courses due to the costs of required materials.

Whereas the faculty members of the Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF) have freedom in the selection of textbooks and other course materials.

Whereas high-quality open educational resources (OER) including textbooks in many disciplines are available at low or no cost to students.

Whereas open education resources offer additional benefits of flexibility, customization, continual improvement, and permanent availability.

Therefore, be it resolved that:

1. APSCUF will encourage its members to consider adopting high-quality open education resources in place of costly alternatives.

2. APSCUF will promote awareness of open educational resources through its newsletters and social media.

Approved by APSCUF statewide academic-affairs committee on Jan. 10, 2019.
Academic-affairs committee:
Shawn P. Gallagher, Millersville (chair)
Robert Hale, Shippensburg
Don Justus, Kutztown
John H. Riley, Bloomsburg
Thomas Stewart, Kutztown
Emily M. Sweitzer, California

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