APSCUF’s faculty negotiations team met with the Chancellor’s representatives today, November 2, 2012, at the Dixon Center in Harrisburg. Early in the meeting the two sides finalized language on two items that had been discussed at sessions weeks before: retrenchment and preparing the health and welfare fund for changes in federal law. However, the meeting lasted only thirty minutes because the Chancellor’s team was not prepared to respond to APSCUF’s latest health care proposal and it was clear that no progress was going to be made on the outstanding major issues of compensation for temporary faculty, retiree health care, and distance education. The two sides are tentatively scheduled to meet next week, November 9, at the Dixon Center. APSCUF negotiators suggested that there is no need to meet unless there will be movement on the issues most important to the faculty. The Chancellor’s spokesperson said that he would be in touch with APSCUF’s chief negotiator. The APSCUF team made it clear that they were moving ahead with a system-wide campus strike authorization vote.