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A new APSCUF public relations campaign, “Let’s Stand Together,” is rolling out over the next few months. Our goal is to communicate more effectively to students, parents, stakeholders and policymakers just what APSCUF is all about – APSCUF stands for the highest quality education at a reasonable cost.

  1. The redesigned APSCUF website debuts this week. The new design focuses on three audiences that will be visiting our site: members, students and policymakers. The homepage also highlights our social sites on Twitter and Facebook. In addition, the new site emphasizes how to learn more about issues important to APSCUF and how to get involved. Please take a few minutes to check it out and feel free to pass along any feedback you might have.
  2. APSCUF’s new Facebook fan page,, is open for business. If you are on Facebook and have not yet become a fan, please click on the above link and then click on the “Like” button. There are photos, videos, an event calendar, a discussion board and more for you to view and comment on.
  3. APSCUF will be introducing a monthly e-newsletter, “The APSCUF Report,” for members and interested stakeholders. Each month, members will receive an email newsletter with important facts about the State System of Higher Education, updates on what we’re doing and links back to the new website for more information.
  4. In June and July, a billboard featuring the new PR campaign will be placed prominently on a major interstate highway near the state Capitol building in Harrisburg. This will be great exposure for APSCUF with state legislators as they debate the state budget. Here’s what the billboard will look like:

APSCUF Billboard - "Let's Stand Together"

As you can see, even through the summer months APSCUF is working hard to make its voice heard in the debate over public higher education in Pennsylvania. However, we need your help to get our message out. If you concur with a blog post, email it to your friends and colleagues, Tweet it or post it as a Facebook update (the handy “Share this” icons at the bottom of each blog post make this a snap). If you find yourself nodding in agreement when you read a Facebook wall post from APSCUF, click the “Like” button, add your comment or share it with friends. If you like a Tweet from APSCUF, re-Tweet it to your followers. APSCUF has the capability to reach hundreds of thousands of people if we mobilize our membership in this awareness campaign. Let’s stand together, indeed.


In solidarity,


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