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APSCUF strives to protect the rights of faculty and coaches at the 14 universities that make up Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education. APSCUF is a national leader in protecting and advancing the rights of faculty and coaches in higher education.

Since 1972, APSCUF has negotiated collective bargaining agreements with the Commonwealth or the State System. These agreements have provided substantial protections and benefits in crucial areas, including tenure, academic freedom, promotion, due process, and salary and benefits. In 2002, APSCUF became the first union in the nation to organize non-faculty athletic coaches in a public higher education system.

APSCUF is committed to providing quality public higher education. Joining the organization gives you a voice in both local and statewide decisions affecting your students, your colleagues, and your campus. When you get involved with APSCUF, you have the opportunity to network with colleagues from across the state who share your goals and priorities for higher education. As a member of APSCUF, you are also entitled to special benefits such as rental car discounts, discounts for wireless carrier contracts, theme park tickets and more. You can also learn more about our healthcare, retirement and other benefits on our Forms and Benefits page. Click here to visit a summary of the benefits of your APSCUF membership.

To join APSCUF, simply visit your local chapter office or fill out the membership form (print and sign with ink) and return it to your chapter office. (If using the digital form, please remember to save the PDF after you have entered your information.) If you have questions about joining APSCUF, please contact your local chapter president.

Don't miss any of your member benefits! Click here to visit a summary of the benefits of your APSCUF membership.

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