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The third Legislative Assembly of 2011 will be held at the Holiday Inn East in Harrisburg, Pa., beginning Thursday, Sept. 22. Here are just a few of the things delegates will be able to do at Legislative Assembly:

  • Visit the state APSCUF office in downtown Harrisburg and meet staff in person during Friday lunch
  • Hear from state Sen. Andy Dinniman – West Chester professor and APSCUF member – about his legislative proposals on higher education on Friday afternoon
  • Tape a short video interview about how state budget cuts are affecting your campus
  • Get the latest updates from APSCUF leaders on how contract negotiations are proceeding

On Friday night, APSCUF will honor the following members with the Distinguished Service Award:


Dr. Joe Cavanaugh (East Stroudsburg University)

2011 APSCUF Distinguished Service AwardeesA complete schedule and all committee reports are available on the Members-Only forum.

For those who want to be “social” during Legislative Assembly, here are some helpful hints:

  1. Delegates who are attending can RSVP on the APSCUF Facebook Events page.
  2. If you’re on Twitter and would like to Tweet from Legislative Assembly, make sure to use the #apscufLA hashtag. (More about hashtags here.) We’ve even set up a Tweetwall to capture all Tweets with the #apscufLA hashtag, so remember to use it!
  3. When you post Legislative Assembly photos on Facebook, you can tag them with “Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties.”
  4. Share your Legislative Assembly photos on the APSCUF Facebook wall.
  5. Obviously, use discretion in what you post about Legislative Assembly proceedings. Many discussions and deliberations must be “off the record.” When in doubt, ask before making something public.
Update: If you’d like to view photos from Legislative Assembly, here’s the Facebook photo album.


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