The third Legislative Assembly of 2011 will be held at the Holiday Inn East in Harrisburg, Pa., beginning Thursday, Sept. 22. Here are just a few of the things delegates will be able to do at Legislative Assembly:
- Visit the state APSCUF office in downtown Harrisburg and meet staff in person during Friday lunch
- Hear from state Sen. Andy Dinniman – West Chester professor and APSCUF member – about his legislative proposals on higher education on Friday afternoon
- Tape a short video interview about how state budget cuts are affecting your campus
- Get the latest updates from APSCUF leaders on how contract negotiations are proceeding
On Friday night, APSCUF will honor the following members with the Distinguished Service Award:
Dr. Joe Cavanaugh (East Stroudsburg University)
A complete schedule and all committee reports are available on the Members-Only forum.
For those who want to be “social” during Legislative Assembly, here are some helpful hints:
- Delegates who are attending can RSVP on the APSCUF Facebook Events page.
- If you’re on Twitter and would like to Tweet from Legislative Assembly, make sure to use the #apscufLA hashtag. (More about hashtags here.) We’ve even set up a Tweetwall to capture all Tweets with the #apscufLA hashtag, so remember to use it!
- When you post Legislative Assembly photos on Facebook, you can tag them with “Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties.”
- Share your Legislative Assembly photos on the APSCUF Facebook wall.
- Obviously, use discretion in what you post about Legislative Assembly proceedings. Many discussions and deliberations must be “off the record.” When in doubt, ask before making something public.
Update: If you’d like to view photos from Legislative Assembly, here’s the Facebook photo album.