From left: Negotiations team members Margaret Ervin of West Chester University, left; Jamie Martin of Indiana University of Pennsylvania, second from right; and Chris Hallen of Bloomsburg University, right, sign the one-year contract. With them is Mary Rita Duvall, State APSCUF’s head of labor relations. View additional photos on APSCUF’s Facebook page. Photo/Kathryn Morton
Delegates from all 14 university chapters met Feb. 9–10 to pass resolutions, hear committee reports, and discuss new business related to quality, affordable higher education during APSCUF’s 193rd legislative assembly, held at Wyndham Gettysburg Hotel.
Resolutions tackled faculty harassment and the use of program review as justification for retrenchment. One resolution declares APSCUF’s support of Pennsylvania Promise. The Pennsylvania Promise plan — laid out in Keystone Research Center and Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center‘s report. “The Pennsylvania Promise: Making College Affordable and Securing Pennsylvania’s Economic Future” — outlines how to make higher education affordable in Pennsylvania.
With negotiations team members together, faculty negotiators took a few minutes to sign the one-year contract, putting it one step closer to press.