Faculty Association President: Governor’s Proposed Cuts May Devastate Pennsylvania’s Public Universities | APSCUF
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March 8, 2011

For further information contact Lauren Gutshall at (800-932-0587, ext. 3014)

Harrisburg – Lamenting the Governor’s proposed $270 million cut to the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, Dr. Steve Hicks, President of State APSCUF (Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties), made the following statement:

“The real victims of the Governor’s proposed cuts will be the working class families of Pennsylvania who counted on their sons and daughters receiving a quality college education so that they could fulfill their dreams.

The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) simply cannot withstand this hit without depriving students of essential programs, imposing a massive tuition increase on Pennsylvania’s families, and wiping out essential services. Pennsylvania’s public universities have already weathered the storm of depleted state funding by becoming more efficient and cutting back on programs; these proposed cuts may just sink the ship. It is unlikely that we will be able to offer students the type of college education that will be required for them to compete in a 21st century global economy.

To attempt to remedy a short-term budget crisis, Pennsylvania now runs the risk of doing long-term damage to its future economy, which will require a highly skilled workforce. Our graduates are the ones who stay in the Commonwealth; our universities are the economic engines of fourteen communities. Our hopes now turn to the legislature, and we hope we will be joined by students, their families, and our communities as we try to fight back these devastating cuts.”