Don’t discard your card | APSCUF
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In late August, you should have received a recommitment letter and application from OUR faculty and coaches union, the Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties. If you are already a member, your status hasn’t changed, but our goal is for all members — existing and new — to complete and mail back the postage-paid cards as a show of solidarity. If you accidentally disposed of the mailing (sent to your home address) or did not receive one, please contact your chapter APSCUF office to obtain a new card as soon as you’re able.

If you’ve already returned your card, thank you! We’d love to see photos of you signing your card (with your personal information indistinguishable, for safety purposes) or of your sticker in its new home. Email images to or tag APSCUF in your social-media posts.

Thank you!