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Retrenchment in the Trenches

I’d love to write some bits of political analysis on what’s going to happen with the State House races, but that can wait till another day. Now, retrenchment sits heavy.  First, the last two days Ken and I have been in membership meetings at Mansfield...

Senseless Retrenchment

The official APSCUF press release, full of quotes, etc, is just out about the latest on retrenchment: six people in three departments at Kutztown have received formal letters terminating their service with the university as of May 2011.  HR departments across the...

APSCUF BoG comments 1

A commitment to distance ed is not an appropriate investment in the basics of education, it’s an investment in distance. Let’s transform in a way to retain our core mission & our source of pride & reputation — quality education with access to many....

APSCUF BoG Comments 2

In this time of economic crisis, we need to think about the future…of the nation and the Commonwealth. Education is a way out of this crisis, because we all know we need educated workers. And we can give them those workers. It makes no sense to have budget...