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Composed 25,000 feet over someplace mountainous & snowy, I suspect — no hope — that in the next couple days you will hear from the media several times about the “event” I am returning from in Los Angeles (Monday’s story).  The...

Blog from L.A.

Los Angeles — (date & time unclear) I am in L.A. at the invitation of the California Faculty Association (CFA) — the meeting was referred to in Friday’s Inside Higher Ed article . There are somewhere between 65-70 attendees from 21 states....

Temporary faculty pay — IHE article

Today Inside Higher Ed ran a piece on temporary pay in PA (http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2011/01/20/study_documents_pay_gap_faced_by_adjuncts). The base study was conducted by the Keystone Research Center. APSCUF & PASSHE are not named, though our numbers are...

Some Resolve, Please?

Perhaps you missed it over the break, but Penn State’s President Graham Spanier authored an Op-Ed piece in the Patriot News, “New Year’s Resolution: Keep PA Universities Strong.” I have never been envious of my graduate school alma mater, until...

Season’s Greetings

Regardless of  your cultural background, we at State APSCUF wish you and your loved ones a happy holiday and/or a relaxing break, and a Happy New Year. Our thoughts remain always with our colleagues who face retrenchment and with all our fellow citizens who face...