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On Wisconsin?

The “mail” the last three days has been full with references to Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin’s attempts to disempower the public sector unions in his state (Nation or Washington Post). As the Post points out, he has done so with threats of...

An Update on PASSHE Performance Spending

The Executive Committee briefed the Board of Governors on the status of performance spending within PASSHE at their quarterly meeting at PASSHE headquarters in Harrisburg on January 19th. A new framework was developed in conjunction with representatives of PASSHE...

New Jersey Higher Ed: A Cautionary Tale

It has become a media truism that Pennsyvlania’s new governor sees New Jersey Governor Chris Christie as a role model. That makes Gov. Christie’s reaction, and Gov. Corbett’s after that, to the Higher Ed Task Force report released the first week of...

Quality Higher Ed from the Faculty View

Here’s an important volley in the efforts of faculty to be heard, coming out of the LA meeting last weekend — http://www.huffingtonpost.com/susan-meisenhelder/higher-education-at-the-c_b_814569.html? — As I understand, the way Huffington works, the...