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APSCUF frustration with contract negotiations grows

On December 11, the APSCUF negotiations team met with the Chancellor’s representatives for the first time since the faculty at PASSHE’s fourteen universities overwhelmingly voted to authorize their leadership to call a strike. APSCUF negotiators had met internally to...

Email Blitz: Tell the Chancellor to Be Fair

Please take a few minutes today, December 3rd, to join united faculty in an email blitz to the Chancellor urging him to be fair. Please use the text from this template, prepared by APSCUF, and personalize it with your own name and university. The consistency of the...

Burns me up…

Yesterday’s edition of Inside Higher Ed brought a story out of Pennsylvania that is both disheartening and a bit embarrassing. It seems that the Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC) has announced that it will reduce the teaching load of 200 adjunct faculty –...

Our side of the story

On Friday, PASSHE put out this statement about negotiations. Then they sent it to EVERYONE on campus Monday morning, which so happens to be the first day APSCUF was holding a strike authorization vote. It is clearly mere coincidence that they chose that timing to put...