Negotiators met Sunday to discuss the faculty contract. As negotiations pick up steam, APSCUF members have a variety of ways to share concerns and priorities surrounding our next collective bargaining agreements. Surveys for faculty and coach members went to campus...
Oct. 18, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information, contact: Kathryn Morton, or 717-236-7486, Ext. 3007 Faculty contract negotiations continued in October between the Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF)...
Thank you for completing this survey. Your responses will not be identified with you personally and will remain confidential and anonymous. Should you want a direct response or would like to make additional comments (not anonymously), please email...
Cal U student Mia Ola is the 2022 recipient of State APSCUF’s $3,000 scholarship, selected by APSCUF’s special-services committee. She is the daughter of James Ola, California faculty member. Click here to read more about her. APSCUF offers a scholarship...
Negotiations for the next faculty collective bargaining agreement have begun. Read APSCUF’s brief press release here. Members: Faculty and coach negotiations surveys will go out next month, running Oct. 12–20. See the State APSCUF newsletter (login required for...