by Carrie Hillman | Jun 9, 2014 | News, Uncategorized
By Prince Matthews, APSCUF Intern Yesterday, Representative Mike Tobash (R-125th District) held a press conference urging support for a hybrid pension reform plan which will impact the retirement security of current and future APSCUF members. Supported by Governor Tom...
by Carrie Hillman | Jun 2, 2014 | News, Uncategorized
Today, Dr. Kenneth M. Mash begins his two-year term as president for the Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF). He was elected to the position on April 26th during APSCUF’s spring legislative assembly. APSCUF...
by Carrie Hillman | Apr 28, 2014 | News, Uncategorized
The buzz amongst the crowd started growing from the moment we announced to the APSCUF membership that we were endorsing in the 2014 gubernatorial election. Tom Wolf entered the room to an electrified room filled with enthusiastic professors and coaches. Tom...
by Carrie Hillman | Apr 11, 2014 | News, Uncategorized
Dear President Weiwel: The 6,000 faculty and coaches of APSCUF (Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties) are proud to stand in solidarity to support the efforts of Portland State University AAUP’s (PSU-AAUP) to reach a fair contract...
by Carrie Hillman | Mar 19, 2014 | News, Uncategorized
By Amy Majani, APSCUF Intern, ESU Student Members of RaisetheWagePA, a coalition of religious, labor, community, and women’s rights activists gathered in the Capitol on Tuesday, March 18, to announce a campaign to raise Pennsylvania’s minimum wage. Four...