by apscuftest | Aug 1, 2016 | News, Uncategorized
This summer, APSCUF is going behind the scenes to show how faculty members and coaches continue to devote themselves to affordable, quality education even when class is not in session. At Kutztown University, Dr. Emily Cripe, assistant professor of...
by apscuftest | Jul 25, 2016 | News, Uncategorized
This summer, APSCUF is going behind the scenes to show how faculty members and coaches continue to devote themselves to affordable, quality education even when class is not in session. Like everyone, I look forward to summer: the good weather, some time spent in...
by apscuftest | Jul 20, 2016 | News, Uncategorized
This summer, APSCUF is going behind the scenes to show how faculty members and coaches continue to devote themselves to affordable, quality education even when class is not in session. Karen Guenther produces lecture videos of her history classes at Mansfield...
by apscuftest | Jul 18, 2016 | News, Uncategorized
Our guest post today is by Dr. Seth Kahn of West Chester University. I had lunch the other day with a junior colleague on my campus during which we started discussing the current negotiations situation and what might happen in the event of a strike. At some point, she...
by apscuftest | Jul 6, 2016 | News, Uncategorized
This summer, APSCUF is going behind the scenes to show how faculty members and coaches continue to devote themselves to affordable, quality education even when class is not in session. Dr. Jonathan Rothermel promised his daughter he would bring this stuffed animal on...