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Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?

Who Guards the Guardians? Today’s Pittsburgh Tribune-Review story  on the spending habits of IUP’s former President raises important questions about who exactly monitors the University Presidents and the upper echelons of their...

Efficiency v. capacity

I am just back from a week in California, ostensibly to attend AAUP’s annual Summer Institute. While in California, one can’t help but hearing about the shifts going on in higher ed there (especially with rooms full of California faculty), and begin to see...

What’s FMAP, and why should you care?

Yesterday, the U.S. Senate ended its filibuster on FMAP, and Speaker Pelosi quickly announced that she would be calling the House back into session to vote on the legislation.  The legislation gives $16 billion to the states to support Medicaid, and it also...