by ephyra | Nov 29, 2012 | News, Uncategorized
Today AAUP President Rudy Fichtenbaum put out a call for all faculty to sign a national petition advocating for a moratorium on the adoption of a CUNY program called Pathways. CUNY faculty have been fighting the implementation of the program, which would impact...
by ephyra | Nov 16, 2012 | News, Uncategorized
On November 13, the Governor’s Advisory Commission on Postsecondary Education approved and released its final report and recommendations to create a multi-year framework for higher education in the Commonwealth. APSCUF commends the Commission on many of the 19...
by ephyra | Nov 14, 2012 | News, Uncategorized
On Friday, PASSHE put out this statement about negotiations. Then they sent it to EVERYONE on campus Monday morning, which so happens to be the first day APSCUF was holding a strike authorization vote. It is clearly mere coincidence that they chose that timing to put...
by ephyra | Nov 9, 2012 | News, Uncategorized
APSCUF negotiators met with the Chancellor’s representatives today, Friday, November 9, 2012, at the Dixon Center in Harrisburg. With the strike authorization vote looming, PASSHE presented APSCUF with a new concessionary comprehensive proposal. The new...
by ephyra | Nov 5, 2012 | News, Uncategorized
By Catherine Whitley (EUP English & Theatre Arts) Sun Tzu (ca. 500 B.C.), Philip II of Macedonia (382-336 B.C.), and Julius Caesar (102-44 B.C.) are each credited with the first articulation of this very effective strategy: divide your enemies into smaller...