APSCUF Offers Binding Interest Arbitration to Help Settle Contract with State System | APSCUF
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September 25, 2012

For more information
Contact: Lauren Gutshall
717-236-7486 x3014


Harrisburg – Today the Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF) offered binding interest arbitration to the State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) in order to move towards a fair contract resolution for faculty at the fourteen state-owned universities.

Dr. Steve Hicks, president of APSCUF, said that the offer of binding interest arbitration would expedite the negotiations process.

“APSCUF has been negotiating with the State System for over two years, and our faculty have been working without a contract for the last 14 months. We remain hopeful that progress can be made, but we also recognize that APSCUF and PASSHE remain far apart on several key issues,” Hicks stated.

The two sides have failed to reach agreement on temporary faculty workload, distance learning, active and retiree health care, and class size.

“APSCUF faculty want to settle a fair contract,” Hicks said. “It is in the best interests of our students and their families to have a faculty contract in place that safeguards quality public higher education in the Commonwealth.”

APSCUF has proposed that the two parties submit any outstanding issues as of November 9, 2012, to a panel of three arbitrators. While binding interest arbitration is not mandatory for faculty, it is a legislatively approved process of dispute resolution in Pennsylvania. The offer gives PASSHE until October 15, 2012, to accept binding interest arbitration.

“APSCUF feels that this is the next step in the process of reaching a fair agreement with PASSHE,” Hicks noted. “Faculty across the State System want to continue to provide a high quality education to the 118,000 students who choose to attend our universities. The mission cannot be met without a settled, fair contract.”

The Association of Pennsylvania State College & University Faculties represents more than 6,000 faculty members and coaches at Pennsylvania’s 14 state-owned universities.