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Below is the text of a press release announcing the approval of the new contract between APSCUF coaches and PASSHE:

Today the coaches at the 14 state-owned universities approved a new contract with the State System of Higher Education (PASSHE). The contract would cover 400 coaches represented by the Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF).

Over 97 percent of the coaches who voted approved ratification of the contract. The PASSHE Board of Governors must also vote on the agreement.


The contract includes compensation similar to the statewide pattern, an increase in minimum salaries, and a revised health care co-payment that is affordable and helps the State System maintain the current health care plan. It also includes important changes that provide the coaches similar benefits to faculty.

“The coaches at our universities are dedicated to ensuring that our student athletes are successful on the field and in the classroom. This contract provides fair compensation and benefits to our coaches so that they can continue to mentor our student athletes,” said Dr. Steve Hicks, president of APSCUF. “The overwhelming approval of the contract is a testament to the negotiations team’s commitment to reaching a fair agreement.”

The coaches, like the faculty, have been working without a contract since July 1, 2011. APSCUF faculty will vote on the ratification of their tentative agreement in early March.

The Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties represents 6,000 faculty members and 400 coaches at the 14 state-owned universities. In 2002 APSCUF became the first union to organize non-faculty athletic coaches in a public higher education system.

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