APSCUF and PASSHE fail to reach agreement at latest negotiations session | APSCUF
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APSCUF and PASSHE negotiators met January 16 for approximately six hours.  The parties exchanged proposals involving distance education and both active and retiree health care, but did not reach any agreements.  There were also substantive discussions concerning curriculum and class size.  The session concluded when the Chancellor’s team suggested that it will provide APSCUF with a new comprehensive proposal before the next scheduled negotiation session on February 1.  Given the current status of talks and the distance between the parties on key issues, APSCUF is planning for faculty to attend the PASSHE Board of Governors meeting on January 24.  Faculty from all 14 of the state-owned universities intend to show their support for their negotiations team and to express disappointment with PASSHE’s unwillingness to conclude an agreement after two years of discussions.