Delegates listen to Treasurer Chris Hallen’s report at legislative assembly in April. Photo/Kathryn Morton
APSCUF delegates elected officers-at-large and continued the process of enacting a phased-retirement side-letter for faculty members during its 197th legislative assembly, April 26–27 in Williamsport.
The legislative assembly voted to send the side-letter (login required) to the membership for ratification with a positive recommendation that it be ratified. With semesters over or nearly concluded across the 14 campuses, delegates also voted to conduct the election electronically.
Candidates for three officer-at-large positions on APSCUF’s executive council spoke in a forum Friday afternoon. Saturday-morning elections reinstated incumbents Kara Laskowski of Shippensburg University and Joyce Overly of Clarion University. Ben Shaevitz of Slippery Rock University won the third seat. Officer-at-large Cassandra Reyes of West Chester University opted not to run again but said she plans to remain active in APSCUF, and President Kenneth M. Mash thanked her for her service.
As usual, delegates heard reports from APSCUF’s statewide committees. During dinner Friday, Cheyney delegate Herbert Black discussed issues at the university.
This little union punches beyond its weight class, setting the standard that other unions try to replicate, Mash told delegates at the conclusion of the two-day assembly. Members’ work and solidarity make a difference, he said.
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