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The Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties has released the following resolution through its executive council:

Whereas, the students and faculty survivors at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., have responded to tragedy with remarkable fortitude, and they have focused the nation’s attention on school safety;

Whereas, incidents of mass shootings have become far too routine at our nation’s schools, colleges, universities, and other public gathering places;

Whereas, mass shootings have an impact on students across the nation who must be concerned about their own safety;

Whereas the presence of guns on campus threatens academic freedom by chilling speech and discouraging rigorous academic discussion of issues;

Whereas students are calling for a March for Our Lives on March 24 and a National Day of Action Against Gun Violence in Schools on April 20 and are planning walkouts on days in March and April;

Whereas school children and college students are modeling how citizens can effect positive change through collective action and have demonstrated commendable levels of political efficacy;

Whereas Pennsylvania law allows residents to obtain permits to carry and conceal weapons, even at public college and university campuses;

Whereas every resident of Pennsylvania should be concerned about mass shootings and should seek to provide safe learning environments;

Be it resolved that the Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF) is in solidarity with those who engage in activism to protest gun violence in schools, colleges, universities, and other places, including the National Day of Action Against Gun Violence in Schools and student-led protests.

Be it further resolved that APSCUF supports student-led calls for policy changes that seek to eliminate the threat of mass shootings.

Be it further resolved that APSCUF requests that, to the extent possible, faculty and coaches afford students the opportunity to participate in any protest or walkout related to school safety without penalty and to afford students the opportunity to make up work.

Be it further resolved that the APSCUF calls on the 14 university presidents to instruct their offices of admission that participation in a protest or walkout will not affect admission decisions.

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