Cassandra Reyes is no stranger to leadership roles as she takes the reins of one of APSCUF’s faculty officer-at-large positions. Prior, Reyes’ service work has ranged from president of the Northeastern Association of Criminal Justice Sciences to the executive treasurer of the Camden County Fraternal Order of Police Bicentennial 76 Lodge, where she now is vice president.
Reyes is a professor in West Chester University’s criminal-justice department. This is not her first experience in Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education: She received her B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Between her bachelor’s and master’s degrees, Reyes worked as a New Jersey state probation officer-bilingual and senior parole officer-bilingual for 10 years.
On top of service roles in graduate school, such as the Student Cooperative Association board of directors, Reyes worked alongside members of APSCUF.
“This background gave me a strong desire to become a faculty officer-at-large member this year, as the timing in regard to my teaching, scholarship, and service was right to run for the position,” Reyes said.
The new faculty officer-at-large member is excited to gain more insight into APSCUF and to get to know the staff, she said.
“I am looking forward to contributing my time, hard work, and dedication to assisting the faculty and staff as much as I can through my role,” she said.
APSCUF’s work is particularly important now due to the climate of public higher education in Pennsylvania, Reyes said.
“It is important for APSCUF to continue fighting for faculties’ rights,” she said.
Despite her busy schedule and continuous dedication to teaching, scholarship, and leadership roles, Reyes said she always makes time for her husband, cats, and dog.
—Lindsey Newton,
APSCUF intern
• Vote as and are members of the executive council
• Act as tellers during the election of the nominations and elections committee if incumbents are running for re-election
• Serve with the president as the personnel committee