At our 190th legislative assembly, held last week in State College, APSCUF delegates from all 14 universities in Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education approved a resolution thanking students:
Resolution thanking and supporting students
Introduced by West Chester and Kutztown delegations
Whereas students and graduates across the country have an accumulated $1.3 trillion in student loan debt and students in Pennsylvania last year graduated with an average of more than $34,000 of student loan debt;
Whereas students and staff, like faculty, deserve to make living wages that respect their foundational role in building and sustaining State System universities;
Whereas the current student leaders of the Fight for 15 campus movement were the first students to organize and give their full support to the APSCUF faculty strike;
Whereas students, staff, and faculty have a common stake in keeping education adequately funded and affordable to everyone;
Be it resolved that APSCUF issue a statement articulating our gratitude to the students organizing the Fight for 15 for their efforts on our behalf during the strike; and supporting their goals of living wages and affordable education.