At Friday’s Legislative Assembly, the delegates approved Ken Mash (ESU) & Beth MacDaniel (Clarion) to serve as the two faculty members on the faculty negotiations team. They join me (ex officio) as the faculty representatives on the team.
The Assembly also approved Marc Sylvester (Edinboro) to serve as the alternate. The Negotiations Committee (composed of the 14 chapter presidents & responsible for recommending the team) have made it clear the alternate needs to be totally involved.
The three faculty members will be joined on the team by a hired negotiator; Assembly approved a name on Friday and we expect to have a press release maybe as early as Monday once a formal agreement is reached.
Please wish Ken, Beth and Marc congratulation & good luck when you see them.
We’ll put something out with pictures, etc, from PR early in the week.
Since PASSHE managers read this (hi Mike!), I’ll say nothing else here about negotiations.
In solidarity,