Edinboro APSCUF Chapter President Dr. Sam Claster and Edinboro Professor Emeritus Dr. Mary Jo Campbell were among today’s panelists at a Pennsylvania House Democratic Caucus policy committee hearing about university consolidation. Click here to watch hearing footage. APSCUF live-tweeted the hearing, and the collated tweets are below.
The hearing comprised four panels:
Panel 1:
- Dr. Sam Claster, chapter president of Edinboro APSCUF
- Lydia Laythe, Washington Township councilperson and Edinboro University alum
- Dr. Mary Jo Campbell, chapter president of Edinboro APSCURF and professor emeritus
Panel 2:
- Ross Brumagin, president of AFSCME Local 2329, Edinboro University high-voltage electrician
- Shane Clark, director of AFSCME District Council 85
Panel 3:
- Chancellor Dan Greenstein
- Dr. Dale-Elizabeth Pehrsson, president of Clarion University and interim president of Edinboro University
Panel 4:
- Kyle Hurysz, Edinboro University council of trustees (student)
- Majd Al Halaby, Edinboro University student-government president