APSCUF President Dr. Jamie Martin and State System students were among today’s panelists at a Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus policy committee hearing about university consolidation. Click here to watch hearing footage. APSCUF live-tweeted the hearing, and the collated tweets are below.
The hearing comprised three panels:
Panel 1: PASSHE Redesign & Students
- Dr. Jamie Martin, president of APSCUF
- Cameron O’Neill, junior at Bloomsburg University
- Justina Arena, junior at California University
Panel 2: PASSHE Redesign & Workers
- Ross Brumagin, President AFSCME Local 2329, Edinboro University High Voltage Electrician
- Shawn O’Dell, President AFSCME Local 2360, Lock Haven University Clerk Typist 3
- Dr. Marc Stier, Director, Pennsylvania Budget & Policy Center
Panel 3: PASSHE Leadership & University President
- Chancellor Dan Greenstein
- Aaron Walton, president of Cheyney University
- Dr. Dale-Elizabeth Pehrsson, president of Clarion University and interim president of Edinboro University
- Mia Swales, student trustee and graduate student at Lock Haven University
A Pennsylvania House Democratic Caucus policy committee hearing is slated for 1 p.m. (time change) Thursday, May 20. We’ll share information about how to watch via our social-media channels.